Policies and Procedures
Pan-Lancashire and Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures
Follow the link below to access the multi-agency procedures manual for Pan-Lancashire and Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Boards. This is designed to support current good practice in meeting the requirements of the Care Act and Department of Health Statutory Guidance.
Safeguarding Adults Pan-Lancashire Multi-Agency Policy
Pan-Lancashire - Resolving Professional Disagreements (Escalation Policy)
Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board Policies and Procedures
Various local guidance and procedures specific to the Lancashire are in development and will be shared here once published.
- Domestic Abuse Guidance
- Pan-Lancs Anti Slavery Partnership: Toolkit
- Self-Neglect Framework
- Managing Concerns Around People in a Postion of Trust (PiPoT)
- Flowchart
- Example Referral Form
- PiPoT contacts by agency (information correct as at 18/09/24)
- Case Examples
- Threshold Matrix
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - a pathway for Adults identified as at risk or have suffered FGM
- Homelessness Pathway - for professionals working with service users with complex needs and no fixed abode or at risk of homelessness
Follow the relevant links below to access guidance and procedures specific to Blackburn with Darwen; Blackpool; and Cumbria local authority areas: