Worried About An Adult? Telephone:
0300 123 6720 or between 5pm - 8am on 0300 123 6722

Learning & Development

7 Minute Briefings

7 minute briefings (7MBs) are based on a technique borrowed from the FBI.  The approach is based on research which suggests that seven minutes is an ideal time span to concentrate and learn.  Learning for seven minutes is manageable in most services, and learning is more memorable as it is simple and not clouded by other issues and pressures.

Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board adopted the 7MB as a method of training and to date has been found a useful and effective way of learning and sharing information across a range of services.

7MBs produced by the LSAB are accessible here.


eLearning courses are available online via the elearning portal:

The following links are external sources:



Mental Capacity Act Learning & Development Framework - click here

Prevent Training Toolkit

NHS England have developed a toolkit of Prevent training products that organisations can use to raise the awareness of Prevent with their staff.

NHS England and Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare have given Lancashire Safeguarding Adult Board (LSAB) permission to share this training with multi agency partners.

Find out more and access the training here.

Are you interested in becoming an LSAB Trainer?

In order to become a member of the training pool, you have to meet the person specification and have the permission of your manager.  For further information, please contact lsbu@lancashire.gov.uk

Further guidance and information can be found in our resources section.