Mental Capacity Act Learning and Development Framework
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Learning and Development Framework is a forward looking document setting out a suite of training packages which will support the effective implementation of MCA across the Health and Social Care Economy and contribute to agency effectiveness over the coming years. The suite of packages will be hosted on the Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board’s (LSAB) website.
The framework was developed by professionals from Clinical Commissioning Groups, Lancashire County Council and Lancashire Care Foundation Trust and has been ratified by the MCA Sub Group and the Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board.
The participation of key stakeholders was essential in securing support and buy-in for the implementation of the framework, and therefore acknowledgements go out to these stakeholders for their support and commitment.
The Framework is available to download below, which sets out recommended training packages for various staff groups. Once you have reviewed the Framework and recognised which group is suitable for you, and your staff, you can access the resources available by selecting the relevant link below.
- MCA Learning and Development Framework
- Carers Package
- Group A: eLearning Package
- Group B and C Package
- Group D package
- Group E package
Please note: the MCA L&D Framework and packages will be updated following guidance and implementation around LPS